“在The Farm实习期间,我学到了很多东西. 农场有各种各样的作物,这让我在城市农业方面获得了宝贵的经验. 我觉得自己已经准备好了,知识渊博,可以去探索植物的世界了!”– Paige J. 16、生物学
The Sustainability Leadership Cohort (SLC) is an intentional internship model that focuses on peer-to-peer mentorship and community building while providing experiential opportunities for Butler students to practice real-world problem solving and learn tangible skills for professional development and career preparedness. Students in the SLC work on a variety of urban ecology and sustainability projects across campus and the community. SLC的学生和顾问每周聚会一次,互相支持, 共同开发的想法, 作为一个致力于解决复杂的可持续发展挑战的社区参与进来.
SLC internship opportunities are intended to expand the understanding of applied sustainability through the motto: research, educate, 和授权. 学生有机会在博彩平台排名和/或社区的既定项目中工作. 在某些情况下, the SLC advisors may support a student in the design and development of a project specific to a student’s interest.
学生可以自愿, 按小时计酬(只适用于部分机会), 并/或获得学分*. 可持续发展办公室致力于与学生合作, faculty, 找到最适合每个学生的目标和兴趣的项目.
Questions? Email us!
Semester | 实习时间 | 应用程序接受 | 实习的通知 |
Spring | 1月中旬至5月初 | 十月中旬至填满 | 申请后3周内 |
Summer | 4月下旬- 8月下旬 | 3月初- 4月中旬 | 申请后3周内 |
Fall | 8月下旬至12月中旬 | 3月下旬直到填满 | 申请后3周内 |
*注意:联邦工作学习符合条件的申请人优先考虑, 但不是博彩平台排名社区实习的必要条件.
The 全球物种生存中心(GCSS) Interns will take on a proactive role assisting with global conservation priorities and projects across varying taxa (mammals, birds, 无脊椎动物, 两栖动物和爬行动物, plants, 真菌)和领域(海洋), 淡水). Interns will assist conservation coordinators in supporting the 国际 Union for Conservation of Nature Species Survival Commission (IUCN SSC) specialist groups, 特别强调保护规划和行动. Interns will help coordinators with urgent conservation needs ranging from coordinating communication strategies to public audiences, 进行研究, 举办工作坊及会议, 并协助开展能力建设工作. 这是一个带薪实习职位,春季/秋季学期开放. 如果需要,也可以获得学分.
资格及补偿: 向亚洲博彩平台排名的三年级和四年级学生开放, 通讯相关专业, biology, 以及环境研究. 在聘期内,每学期每周可工作10-12小时. 起薪是每小时14美元.
Freewheelin’ Community Bikes is a grassroots non-profit organization that empowers Indianapolis youth and community members with skills and a passion for bikes to create a healthier, 互联度更高的印度. The organization is partnering with the Office of 管家的可持续发展 University to offer a paid and (if desired) for-credit internship that seeks to improve the equitable distribution of bikes to the Indianapolis community, 帮助建立印地青年的知识, 并创造机会获得志愿者, 参与过程的社区成员和组织. 你不需要对自行车有任何了解,也可以为这项任务做出贡献!
补偿: 带薪和/或学分的职位,每小时14美元,学期中每周约10小时. 这个职位也符合联邦工作学习资格,视学生资格而定.
图巴花园 Farm to Table is looking for an intern to help us network from various perspectives; increase our online appearance, 联系潜在的合作伙伴,创造志愿者机会, 并与其他农民联系,购买批发农产品. 同时,和博彩平台排名一起为博彩平台排名自己的农贸市场创造一个地方. 博彩平台排名希望设计一个融合当地青年艺术才华的空间, 青少年和年轻人. The intern will help organize opportunities for artists to express their interest by publicly displaying their work.
补偿: 这个职位目前是一个无薪,有学分的职位,每学期大约10小时. 这个职位也符合联邦工作学习资格,视学生资格而定.
The Kheprw研究所 寻求通过自我控制来增强社区的能力,以实现积极的社区和世界变化. 寻找学生识别最佳实践,案例研究等. of how urban farming and community building can best be executed on their newly purchased 17-acre property, 奥克塔维亚梦幻校园(OVC), 在印第的南边. The intern will assist the OVC manager in establishing internal systems for volunteer recruitment and retention including compiling and maintaining a list of work projects suitable for volunteers. The intern will also create a public survey to engage with neighbors and other interested parties to collect and analyze data and report on community priorities. 他们正在寻找具有数据收集和分析技能的学生, 批判性思维能力, 自我管理的能力, 良好的人际沟通能力, 愿意在混合工作环境中工作, 有指导和协作的能力.
补偿: 这个职位目前是一个无薪,有学分的职位,每学期大约10小时. 这个职位也符合联邦工作学习资格,视学生资格而定.
学分: . 博彩平台排名的学分实习通常是BIO, ENV, STS, CCOM, and ED credits; however, 博彩平台排名可以与你的家庭部门合作,尝试提供其他信贷类型. Internship credits are typically 3 credit hours (126 hours throughout the semester) and independent study credits can range anywhere from 1-3 credit hours.
快来加入博彩平台排名农场团队吧! The Farm is located on West Campus south of the I-Lot and produces a ton of delicious fruits and veggies for use by Butler Dining—and it does so in a context of ecological enrichment. Farm assistants will get their hands dirty across a wide range of farm tasks including harvest and packing, weeding, 土壤修改, 还有其他各种各样的农活. 享受户外活动,并在工作时了解以生态为重点的食品生产.
劳动力需求: 对指定时间表的承诺, 愿意并有能力在各种天气条件下进行体力劳动, 有能力完成注重细节的任务并创造性地解决问题.
补偿: 带薪和/或学分的职位,每小时12美元,每周10-12小时.
亚洲博彩平台排名 is expanding the student-led enterprise model which provides students valuable hands-on experience running a real business and making decisions. The 博彩平台排名旧货店 is going to be piloted in the 2024-2025 academic year through the 可持续发展办公室. 在这个试验期间, 将有一系列的弹出式活动来证明一个更永久的企业的可行性. The student internship will serve as the initial Thrift Store Manager and be guided by a mentor committee composed of Lacy School of Business faculty. 学生实习生将发展可转移的技能和专业发展. 全年的实习机会取决于期中和期末的评估. See 完整的职位描述 欲知更多详情.
时间的承诺: 视信贷类型而定, 实习生在整个学期中将至少工作126小时(每周10小时). 时间可以扩大,以适应大学实习学分的要求.
学术要求: 每周与所有实习生进行队列会议, workplan, 经验的反思, 以及项目成果的最终组合.
补偿: 每小时13美元, 每学期每周10个小时, 可选择完成实习以获得学分.
可持续性是一个广泛而深入的实践,在公平问题上有重叠的关注, 环境, 还有经济. Student sustainability intern(s) will learn the complexity and interconnectivity of sustainability while progressing sustainability on campus. 博彩平台排名也接受感兴趣的学生的项目想法.
时间的承诺: 视信贷类型而定, 整个学期,实习生将在可持续发展项目上工作126小时(每周8-10小时). 至少有一半的时间是在可持续发展办公室.
学术要求: 每周与所有实习生进行队列会议, workplan, 经验的反思, 以及项目成果的最终组合.
补偿: 带薪和/或学分职位,每小时12美元,每学期每周10小时左右.
- 校园可持续废弃物实习: The waste intern will assist with waste reduction and diversion projects at 亚洲博彩平台排名 that may include conducting waste audits, 计划和实施行为改变计划, 减少使用一次性塑料, 盘点和更新垃圾箱及相关标识, 分析和跟踪废物数据分析, 和/或其他与废物有关的倡议.
- 校园可持续排放实习: The emissions intern will develop greenhouse gas inventory skills by collaborating with campus partners to collect and analyze greenhouse gas emissions from food, purchasing, 出国留学, athletics, 和/或教员旅行, 和通勤. 在整个过程中,实习生将制定最佳做法,以简化未来的报告.
博彩平台排名的农场 is seeking to fill part-time summer labor positions from the last week of April through the end of August. We are looking for motivated and committed interns to take part in the operation and maintenance of The Farm including: soil preparation, planting, 除草栽培, harvesting, 准备向校园餐饮销售.
工作要求: 能够平均每周工作20小时, 对工作计划的承诺, 愿意在各种天气条件下进行体力劳动, 有能力完成注重细节的任务并创造性地解决问题.
补偿: 带薪职位,每小时12美元,暑期每周工作20小时.
- 准备你的职业简历.
- 写一封求职信,说明你申请的原因, 你能为这个职位带来的技能, 你感兴趣的职业领域, 以及你希望从实习中获得什么专业成就.
- 邮件求职信, 简历和实习学期的学习时间表(如果有的话) sustainability@blvmarketing.com. 确保电子邮件的主题栏包含你申请的实习职位的名称!
可持续发展办公室几乎总是有志愿者的机会, 一次性的和更有规律的.
印第野生动物观察—Volunteers are needed to assist with tagging animal species present in photos collected at 50 sites in Indianapolis via motion-triggered cameras. 志愿者将接受培训,照片分析可以远程进行, 让这个机会给那些时间排满的学生. 如有兴趣,请与 可持续发展办公室.
博彩平台排名劳动志愿者的农场——博彩平台排名农场, 一个占地一英亩的可持续农业项目, is seeking students who would like to learn more about sustainable agriculture by assisting with farm labor. 学生们需要投入一整个学期的时间,每周定期安排几个小时的志愿服务时间. 每周的学时数可以由学生自己决定. 如有兴趣,请与 可持续发展办公室.
图巴花园-Touba花园是一个当地农场,致力于种植当地的、负担得起的、健康的食物. 他们寻找志愿者从不同的角度帮助建立网络:增加博彩平台排名在网上的形象, 接触潜在的合作伙伴,创造志愿者机会, 并与其他农民联系,购买批发农产品. Volunteers may also opt to help with farm labor or work to create a farmers market location that incorporates the artistic talents from local youth, 青少年和年轻人. 如有兴趣,请与 可持续发展办公室.
To increase the educational impact of The 可持续发展办公室 internship projects and train interns in professional communication skills for the future, students develop social media content describing their project and why it is important to Butler and the community.